Reno City Council Ward 1

Elect Darrin Freeman to Ward 1 Council

Fellow residents of Reno,

In my decade-long journey in the Reno area, I’ve witnessed the city’s potential for greatness. I am compelled to lead a movement that unites our community, transforming Reno into a hub of excitement and vitality for families of all kinds. Our city should be a beacon of diversity, offering something special for each and every one of us.

With our distinct four seasons, Reno stands poised to showcase the charm of the Biggest Little City in the World in a new light. I am dedicated to fostering a safe environment that benefits both our residents and the small business owners who form the heart of our economy.

Together, let’s envision Reno as a destination that welcomes visitors with open arms, whether they’re passing through or putting down roots for the long term. As a proud member of the Independent American Party, I champion the preservation of our rights and freedoms, ensuring that Reno remains a bastion of liberty.

My background in corrections and service as a Postmaster has instilled in me a deep commitment to serving others and listening to their needs. As a skilled problem solver, I am ready to tackle the challenges ahead and lead Reno into a brighter future.

A Reno that we can all be proud of—one that thrives, prospers, and remains true to the values that define us.

Thank you for your trust and support.

Independent American

Independent American Patriots defend strong traditional families, inalienable rights, and the life, liberty, and property required to live a natural life. We support patriotism and community development to secure our individual, state, and national sovereignty. We rely on the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the collective wisdom of liberty minded American throughout history to guide us through these turbulent times.